Tuesday, November 8, 2011

ruffled feathers

We are going away for the long weekend in a few days, and I know I need to sit down and organize everything for the trip. I know this because as mother hen, if I don't do it, Thursday will arrive and everyone will look at me and wonder where all the stuff is that should be packed into the van. Okay, the girls will pack their own bags, which is a huge step in the right direction, but I will still have to assess the laundry situation, find all the appropriate types of clothing they will need, wash it if necessary, supply them with a check list of things to bring, and then try to remember to do a final bag check to make sure they are actually ready to go. The same goes for Mike. I suspect that as usual he will expect me to pack not only my bag but his too, especially as his back is out this week. So I have our laundry to assess, do, pack etc. Then there's the grocery list and the subsequent shopping that needs to be done - we are staying in a self sufficient cottage on the beach up the Sunshine Coast. Plus we are taking the dog which means I need to some serious grooming on him before we leave, so he doesn't shed 500 tons of hair in the car all over me on the drive up the coast - we are staying in a dog friendly cottage, but I have a feeling the owners may not feel so friendly if I climb out of the car wearing a golden fur coat. I would gladly take him to the doggy groomers and let them handle the job, except that he has been kicked out of their shop as my dog is claustrophobic and cannot handle any time in a kennel and therefore requires an "express" grooming which essentially does sweet dick all for his coat. So in a nutshell I have to do laundry, shop for supplies, pack said laundry and supplies, groom the dog and pack his gear too, clean out the car so our stuff can fit, make a ferry reservation and generally make sure that all 6 of us are ready to hit the road after school Thursday. It's Tuesday at the moment. In addition of course to the regular daily things I have to do like work, taxi kids to basketball/soccer, cook, etc. So when my hubby says to me this morning "have you called the cable company about getting multi room dvr set up yet?" and I said, no, I haven't got around to it, and he said "yeah, I guess you have so many other more interesting and important things to do..." my feathers got a little ruffled.
Whatever. It wouldn't be the first trip I refuse to pack for him and he ends up wearing the outfit he arrives in all weekend. And this time I could - if I so choose - blame the fact that I didn't get around to packing his bag for him on the time I spent on the phone with the cable company setting up our new multi room dvr package.....which I did this morning....
And don't get me wrong, while I do tend towards being a controlling kind of gal, there was one trip we took when I failed todo  a final check on what had been loaded into the car, and instead decided to let it go, and trust in my husband that he remembered to pack all the items on the list, and when we arrived we discovered he had forgotten to pack all our food...for 4 days...on the up side at least he remembered the booze....priorities!

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