Sunday, November 6, 2011

Chicken feed

I have always heard about the notorious soccer and hockey parents from hell. But this is my first actual experience with them. My oldest daughters soccer season is underway, and it has been one conflict after another. While I don't think their coach is the greatest, at least he is willing to give the time and is trying. He is just totally inexperienced, and somewhat defensive about help being offered. Anyway, holy moly, every week it is screaming parents and screaming coach at the games, and I have found myself avoiding the parents on the sidelines altogether, or even avoiding the games. Last week we didn't even take our daughter as she wasn't feeling well, and I still couldn't escape the drama - my phone rang right after with a call from one of the mom's who is having probably the most conflict with the coach, wanting to fill me in on the latest blowout between her, her husband and the coach. Really? Is this necessary? We are talking about 9 year old girls soccer. I think it's totally ridiculous. While I am not exactly known for sitting on the sidelines quietly during my children's sporting events (okay, I cheer my lungs out) I cannot imagine how embarrassed my child would be if I was the one getting into a shouting match every game with the coach. And what's worse is that these parents continue to try to drag me into the melee with them. Last week I put my foot down when I got that call and calmly but very firmly stated that I felt it was time for the drama to end, and that this other mother and her husband needed to resolve the conflict they were having. Personally  it's not my business how they decide to behave in front of their child, their parenting choices are their own, but leave me the f**k out of it please. Today one of the other mom's got me alone after the game and expressed her disappointment in certain people's behavior at the games, and wondered aloud why human nature seems to dictate that we jump on the latest bandwagon and pick on the weaker person of the moment. And it's true, that's what we do. We do have that need to pick things and people apart, and the group mentality is very powerful. It's exactly what I am doing on this blog, venting my frustrations, and encouraging a forum for women like myself to let off steam. With one difference, I hope. It's a private setting, not intended for people like my hubby for example to participate in. It's passive I guess you'd say. I get to say what I want here without fear of my children hearing me, or my hubby if it's him I'm feeling pissed at. That way in real life I put on my game face and behave like a somewhat civilized person most of the time. Is that so wrong?
Anyway, it was food for thought, and very interesting to hear from a couple of women from the team that I don't usually talk with, but who today for whatever reason both opened up to me and shared some private thoughts regarding the team etc.

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