Thursday, November 24, 2011

Crossing the road

you know, for as much as I bitch about my husband, I actually do love the guy. He may get up and gripe about how he can't find any matching socks, or the only underwear left are the ones he doesn't like because they don't hold his gear in properly, or how much he hates it when I organize his pile of dirty scraps of paper that he calls work sheets and put them into a drawer so they don't get lost, or how the coffee maker is too slow for him, but aside from things like that, he's a sweet guy. All it takes on my part is a little show of affection, like a phone call after he leaves saying "I love you!" and he's happy again. As much as I would like to think that this means I am the queen of mental manipulation, I know in my heart that it's really because he adores me. As much as I drive him totally batshit crazy, he adores me. The reason for this rumination is that yesterday I was hit twice by the divorce bug - first in my kindergarten class where the teacher pulled me aside and explained that the recent erratic behavior we had seen being displayed by a usually sweet and quiet little boy was likely due to the fact that his parents were getting a divorce. The second time was after school when another mom confided in me that her husband had left them for the weekend, that the kids were devastated, that she was a nervous wreck and she was having all kinds of problems dealing with school issues and money issues. I guess it was one of those days that made me pause and say to myself, "jeez, he may be an ass sometimes, but I really do want him around". I know I know, I'm such a romantic soul. But it's not just that I want him around, it's that I know he wants me around. He may want me around in a little french maid outfit begging him for sex constantly, but regardless of how he wants me, he wants me. And it's nice to be wanted. So I will throw him a bone just to remind him that I do want him too - maybe not the maid thing, but something along those lines. Because I realized yesterday that I really do like my coop with a rooster around, specifically my rooster that is. The grass is not always greener on the other side of the road that the chicken had to cross, or however that saying goes. Or maybe it is, but I'm the one on the other side.

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