Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Okay, I know that it's for a worthy cause - prevention etc of prostate cancer, and I'm not trying to knock that or disrespect it in any way. This is purely personal. I can't WAIT for the month of November to be over. If I have to look at the disgusting fuzzy caterpillar on my husbands upper lip for one more day I may completely snap. I can't take anything he says remotely seriously when he looks like a 50 year old ex porn star from 1982. (and he's only 37) It has to be without a doubt the most unflattering facial accessory a man could possibly have. There is and so far will only ever be one man and one man only who could make a mustache sexy, and that man is Tom Selleck. Am I right? Mr. Magnum P.I. himself? You know it's true. So here's what I propose. If men want themselves and their cause to be taken seriously and with some dignity, they need to come up with another temporary personal grooming habit to alter. Obviously not everyone looks great with a shaved head, such as many people opt for in support of someone going through several other types of cancer treatment. But it's not exactly funny - not funny in the way that a really bad stache is at least. Perhaps they could shave their eyebrows for a month - eyebrowless April? or what about Mohawk March? How about bare down there december? Anything but Movember, please. No more.

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