Thursday, November 3, 2011


What the hell is the deal with men and sex?? I am constantly amazed at how completely ruled they are by their penises. Seriously. I have been with my current husband for 11 years and regardless of how tired, sick, hungover or whatever he is he still constantly wants sex. With total disregard for how tired, sick or hungover I might be. Please don't get me wrong, I enjoy sex, have always enjoyed sex, I mean REALLY enjoyed it, no big O issues here if you get my drift, but seriously. He would have sex with me like, 20 times a day or more if I was up for it. Which I'm not. Here's the part that really gets me though. When I do occasionally say "not now" he throws a hissy fit, and makes a fucking federal case out of it that lasts for the rest of the day/evening or whatever. Like suddenly he's some guy whose woman never has sex with him, like he's totally deprived, like I'm NEVER going to have sex with him again, or I must be having sex with someone else since I'm "suddenly" not interested in having sex with him. It's like they turn into whiny little 2 year olds at that point. I swear he can't even think straight after a sex refusal. Get some perspective buddy! And what am I supposed to do? Endure this for the remainder of our life together? I think not. I reserve the right to say no sometimes. Especially when the kids are in the same room, the dog is trying to climb on the bed, the cat is yowling to come in, and his parents are expected for a visit any minute.

I don't know why I bother complaining, because it's never going to change! He says I should be grateful that he's still sexually attracted to me. Really? He should be grateful I don't decide to do some extreme keigel exercises and accidentally squeeze his cock off...oh my, did I really just say that? Nope. I typed it. And while I don't actually see myself responding quite so extremely to his advances, well, in real life, that doesn't mean I, and come on, 'fess up, tons of other women out there don't occasionally wish for their man to have a sprained cock at the very least. Something he needs at least a few days of rest to recover from? On the other hand, if such a catastrophe actually did occur - the sprained cock I mean - we would end up spending all our waking moments taking care of him and his frigging injury, so really, we probably wouldn't be any further ahead than if we had just gone ahead and sex with him in the first place, and instead of wasting our energy and our day on a refusal, just done an Oscar worthy acting job to placate him.

And let's be honest. Even if he DID have a sprained cock, he would STILL try to have sex with me. I can hear it now..."see what a manly man I am - I had sex even with a sprained cock!"  Yeah, yeah, way to go Superman, where the hell is my wine?

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