Monday, November 7, 2011

half cocked

Maybe it was because his back hurt and he took all those tylenol, naproxen, muscle relaxants and then drank a martini and a glass of wine, but my hubby was an ass last night. I thought we were going to have his brother from out of town and his parents over for dinner and order sushi, but after I got back from a fantastic soul soothing walk in the Bog with my dog I could tell immediately that something was up. Probably it was the alcohol on his breath that sent up the first warning flag, or it could have been the somewhat glazed yet manic look in his eyes. Or maybe it was the way he met me at the door bellowing excitedly about how he had looked up some chiropractic app on his phone while I was out and had started pounding on his back in attempt to fix it - of course this was after imbibing the concoction I described earlier - and was sure he had found the right place and miraculously fixed his back problem. Or maybe it the staggering amount of sushi I found waiting for me at the restaurant when I arrived shortly after that to pick it up, about three times the amount we usually order, at three times the cost. Or maybe it was discovering that no one else was joining us for dinner after all, because he had told them we had made other plans after they all failed to answer their phones when he tried to call them earlier in the day. Even though he still went ahead and ordered all that food. And refused to call his brother and say goodbye before he left for his home in California. It could have been the way he flipped out and went off on a rant about how he expects that if he calls ME that I would immediately disconnect any call I might already be on as he is the MOST important person in our house and his calls warrant top priority, but how he knows that I purposely ignore his calls when they come in because I just want to piss him off...

Yes, something was definitely up. However, while the above mentioned drug/alcohol combo had caused my partner to behave in such an erratic and totally annoying manner, it fortunately was not destined to last for long. He peaked just after 6pm, stuffed full of sushi, and catching his breath between rants he lay down on the couch and presto! it was snoresville for the next 3 hours. I proceeded to enjoy a mini Will Ferrell film fest and watched the rest of Old School and Ron Burgundy, played some ZombieVille on my phone, and texted a friend for a bit, then went upstairs to bed. Naturally hubby woke up at that moment, grumbled that I was going to leave him on the couch all night, and then came to bed too. Where I rolled over and went to sleep, ignoring his complaints that I don't spend any time with him....really, Mr. I just spent three hours sleeping through the entire evening? Nice try.

Isn't marriage great?

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