Friday, January 27, 2012


When did I stop believing in love? Because I just realized that I have. When did I last feel that ache, that tingle, that pull towards someone? Listening to a "love"song tonight and it hit me. I am living in a place of relative comfort, albeit with too much disturbance on a way too regular basis to call "happy" or content. I mean, if you would call making plans to leave your husband very seriously at least once or twice a year a "disturbance". And then things love overrated? I can absolutely guarantee that those who are in love right now would most definitely say a big no to that question. Am I destined to just deal with what I have, or go out on my own and take what I can get? Or just enjoy my own company? Which sometimes really sounds pretty appealing. Less complicated for sure. But seriously. Do you remember that feeling? That longing, that absolute pain/desire/got to be near you sensation that I guess is love? That purring pleasure of being with that person? Because if I dig a little, there it is. I have felt that. And honestly, I don't know if I could go through all that yet again in my life. Love is all consuming, to the point of destructive, to your self, your sense of individuality. Or it can be, I guess it doesn't have to be. Should I chalk it up to luck that I've had it, and more than once, and be satisfied? Stay tuned.

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