Friday, January 27, 2012

first love

oh my how serendipitous. When last I wrote, I was lamenting of lack of love, or love lost, or some such thing. And then upon the same eve, (how poetic does "eve" sound?) as I was searching for something completely different, I came upon some ancient memorabilia from my past, as in high school drama festival programs, all signed with various high schoolish poetic dictations. However, there was one signee throughout all 3 years of programs who had a somewhat more special note, most notably in our final year when he took up the entire inside cover of my program with his rambling yet earnest, heartfelt very 17 year old profession of love to me. Yes, it's true, he was my "first love", corny as it may sound to some. Anyway, it was clear when he wrote to me that we knew we were going to part ways soon after graduation, and yet he still asked me to stay in touch, always and forever. And the funny thing is, that we did just that. We lost touch for few years at one point, then caught up again, but other than that, we still talk almost every day. Strange. Of course, thank god for Facebook, which makes it all possible. He wasn't popular with my mother, or my sister, but then, no one was.
Listen to me. You'd think I still had a crush or something. :) Funny to think that since all that, we've both been married, divorced, had children, blah blah blah. He lives on the other side of the world, and we haven't seen each other for nigh on 25 years, but I still dream about him from time to time. Strange how certain people get into your consciousness, or unconsciousness as the case may be. I may never see him again, but I will never forget our first kiss, the moment of his lips and mine together, the smile we had for each other afterwards. Is that love? If so, I will hold on to it. That's not wrong. What is our life if not for experience?

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