Friday, October 21, 2011

Welcome to the hen house

Let me get something straight right now. This is not a blog about chickens. However, it was in part inspired by chickens, or rather my desire to build a chicken coop and raise backyard chickens, a plan that so far has been totally vetoed by my husband. He seems to feel that it would be too attractive to the wilder animals in our area, although I assured him we would build a sturdy shed-like structure that would be impenetrable.  As I was lamenting the situation to a friend, I joked and said I should just build the damn thing anyway, and if nothing else I could use it as hide out for me and my female friends to hang out in - a woman's version of a "man cave", if you will. And then we looked at each other and I burst out with "the hen house!" and an idea was hatched, ha ha.

Anyway, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that The Hen House was a perfect name for not only a physical place, but also for a new writing site. It would be the amalgamation of the previous two blogs I have worked on, Moody Girls and Hysterical Housewives, where I either talk about my three daughters, or babble about various random housewifely aspects fo my life. While I have enjoyed both blogs, I have felt the need to do something a little different, a little edgier, a little darker. And like the literal hen house I would like to someday have to adjourn to with the ladies, some wine and some wicked conversation,  I want a place to write uncensored, without my husband or anyone else who may not necessarily "approve" of what I'm saying hovering over my shoulder, reading my daily entries.

All else aside, the title of The Hen House is also very appropriate as I live in a house full of females. In addition to myself and my three daughters, I also take care of three other girls before and after school during the week. I tend to think of myself as a mother hen to many.

So here we go, and please pardon any chicken related puns etc that I throw out there. I know I won't be able to resist.

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